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Cut Your Bills News Moneysupermarket Comments On Bundle Deals 18051332

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Moneysupermarket comments on bundle deals

05 February 2007
As three-in-one ‘bundled’ deals offering a landline phone connection, high-speed broadband and multiple television channels take off, some market analysts are warning that disaggregated services from separate providers can sometimes be a better deal than the convenient one-stop home communications shop offered by a ‘bundle’.

Bundled deals simplify the payment process – and if customers use all the facets on offer, they can represent the cheapest option.

But “bundling doesn’t necessarily mean you get the best product in each class”, head of broadband at Jason Lloyd told the Guardian.

Some providers use the bundling package to ‘throw in’ a product that is “not very effective”, he added, while others limit your bundle access according to where you live.

Moreover, the deals can bind customers to a provider for a whole year, Mr Lloyd stressed.

Major bundled packages on offer include the Sky ‘Surf, Speak, See’ package offering TV, broadband and phone for £26 a month, the NTL Telewest ‘Three for £30’ deal, and the Homechoice offer bringing TV via a landline.

But market analysts are predicting that the field will become more competitive with the introduction of the Virgin Media bundled offering on the horizon.

To compare broadband deals, click here.

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