Marks & Spencer Car Loans

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Personal loans up to £25,000

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All credit histories considered.

One search using our personal loan service will give you clarity about your loan options.

You will be shown the rate you will actually get if you are pre-approved for your loan & sort those results just for you.

If you are looking for a car loan, it is worth shopping around for the best deal. There are many to choose from, and Marks & Spencer Car Loans offer some of the most competitive deals on the market.

Marks & Spencer Car Loans

  • Loans between £10,000 and £25,000
  • Low APR
  • Lower repayments by deferring up to 60% of the loan for a balloon payment at the end of the term
  • Selection of final payment options
  • Optional Payment Protection Insurance

Get a better car loan and apply online.

Simple, clear & fair

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One search using our personal loan service will give you clarity about your car loan options.

You will be shown the rate you will actually get, if you are pre-approved for your loan & sort those results just for you.

Our personal loans eligibility service is provided by Uplift Money Ltd. The data you supply and submit is used to retrieve loan quotes from Uplift Money’s panel of lenders. By using their loans eligibility service you are agreeing to Uplift Money’s terms and conditions and privacy policy which can be found at Uplift Money Ltd

Uplift Money Ltd are an appointed representative of Dennico Ltd who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Dennico Limited is registered in England & Wales under company number 11034439. Registered Office is Steam Mill Business Centre, Steam Mill Street, Chester, UK, CH3 5AN.