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Car Insurance News A Third Of Drivers In Some Parts Of UK Have No Car Insurance

A third of drivers in some parts of UK have no car insurance

13 September 2011 / by Colm Hebblethwaite

Car insurance is a legal requirement in the UK however, a survey has indentified that a third of motorists in parts of Britain are driving without any insurance.

1.4 Million Uninsured Drivers

It has been suggested that there are 1.4 million drivers on the road who are uninsured which is problematic for insurance providers who are paying out a whopping £500 million a year to cover the costs caused by uninsured drivers.

The Motor Insurers’ Bureau (MIB) has located those parts of the UK where uninsured drivers are at the higher end of the spectrum. Some of the places included in their search were Bordeslev in Birmingham, parts of Essex, Manchester and West Yorkshire.

23,000 People Injured Last Year

Figures show that on average 23,000 people are injured and 160 are killed by drivers who have not obtained motor insurance every year and are therefore untraceable.

Chief executive of the MIB, Ashton West has stated that “we cannot stand by and let uninsured driving continue.” Ashton emphasizes the importance of challenging the uninsured driving situation by commenting that the “honest motorist will keep paying the bills for the injury and damage caused to people and property.

Government  Action

Plans to prohibit injury referrals were affirmed last week by the government in an attempt to reduce the costs of insurance and to stop insurance providers gaining fees for informing lawyers about clients making a claim.

Minimum Requirement

The minimum legal requirement for motor insurance is third party cover. This protects you from damage that occurs to the other motorist’s vehicle as well as passengers from your and their car.

The maximum level of cover you can purchase is Fully Comprehensive, which covers you from additional features including accidental damage, fire and theft, personal possession cover as well as third party cover. This cover is usually more expensive due to the extent of protection you are given.

If you are caught driving without car insurance you are looking at points on your license or even disqualification from driving. Make sure you are adequately protected before you set out on the road.

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