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Pet Insurance News 11 Million Dogs Home Alone While Owners Go To Work

Pet Insurance News Sainsburys Pet Insurance Warns Of Obesity Epidemic In Pets
03 October 2011 / by David Hughes

New research from Churchill Pet Insurance has revealed that more than 1.1 million dog owners leave their pets shut indoors, sometimes for hours on end when they go out. According the research, 83% of dogs are left alone in the kitchen when their owners are away at work.

Cramped Conditions

Concerns have been raised that owners of particularly large dogs, such as Great Danes, Irish Wolfhounds, Greyhounds and Mastiffs, have been leaving their pets in rooms that are far too small. This research has also shown that many animals are being left in inadequate and overly cramped conditions for extended periods of time.

Pete Bishenden of Churchill Pet Insurance has stated that: “The significant number of large dogs that are being kept in cramped conditions for hours at a time is of great concern”
On average, dogs are left alone for 3 hours and 18 minutes a day and are only given the freedom of three rooms when their owner is away from home.

Lack of Exercise

13% of dog owners have admitted that they do not walk their dogs as often as they should, with a further 13% having also stated that their dogs are not given appropriate exercise when the weather is poor.  Many dog owners also suffer from stress and have guilty feelings regarding their dog’s apparent neglect. According to statistics, the larger breeds often fare the worst, with 15% of owners stating that they wished to could devote more time to their care.

Bishenden has also outlined the apparent need for dog owners to carefully consider the amount of time and resources that should be dedicated to raising a dog as a pet. Declaring that:
Before they take on a pet, potential owners should ensure they have sufficient space to keep a dog, as well as being able to dedicate a considerable amount of time to looking after it. If dogs don’t have sufficient space to exercise they can suffer from joint problems and weight related issues such as diabetes and health disease.”

Work Constraints

A quarter of all owners would also like to reduce these hours away, but feel unable to do so due to work constraints. Leaving a significant number of animals without the proper care and attention that is required to lead a healthy life.

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