Fair Investment

Pet Insurance Industry Urges Consideration For 4 Legged Friends On Fireworks Night

Pet Insurance Industry Urges Consideration For 4 Legged Friends On Fireworks Night
03 November 2009 / by Rachael Stiles

Many people will be out enjoying the fireworks this week to celebrate Fireworks Night on the 5th of November, but pet insurance experts are urging people not to forget that pets rarely share this enjoyment.

The week of November the 5th can be a distressing time for pets, Confused.com says, as people get in the festive spirit and set off fireworks throughout the week, but pets are unaware of what is occurring.

Confused.com urges pet owners to keep all pets inside, shutting the doors to prevent pets from bolting at the sound of rockets and screamers, and potentially running into roads, causing accidents and injury to themselves.

If pets are being left alone while the family heads out to enjoy the fireworks, the comparison website suggests leaving the radio or television on to distract pets and help to drown out the sound of fireworks.

Those who are hosting their own fireworks party should do the neighbourly thing and let other people know so that they can take measures to protect their pets too.

Moneysupermarket.com suggest that households with pets close all windows and curtains, and bring in any smaller animals from outside, such as rabbits or guinea pigs, because they also need protecting.

Also, moneysupermarket urges homeowners to check that they have sufficient pet insurance in place which will ensure their pets can get the care they need if they do happen to suffer as a result of the festivities.

Julie Owens, head of home insurance at moneysupermarket.com, said that “sparing a thought for pets” on bonfire night should be a “key consideration” for pet owners.

“With fireworks aplenty it is arguably the most traumatic and dangerous time of year for our four-legged friends and owners should take steps to protect them,” she said. “Fireworks can cause distress, disorientation and panic, which can in turn lead to accidents and animals going astray. Often, insuring your pet is worth it for peace of mind alone.

Market analysis from moneysupermarket.com has found that pet owners can protect themselves and their pets from £59 a year for dog insurance, or £36 a year for cat insurance.

Pet insurance can cover vets fees if the animal runs away and becomes lost, as well as damage that pets might cause to other people’s property, but moneysupermarket.com encourages pet owners to compare pet insurance quotes and cover, as the level of protection will vary.

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