Fair Investment

Investment News FTSE Plunges As Economic Indicators Slump 18471671

FTSE plunges as economic indicators slump

FTSE plunges as economic indicators slump

05 August 2011 / by Oliver Roylance-Smith

The FTSE 100 plunged well below the 5,300 mark today amid escalating concerns over the eurozone debt crisis and the strength of the global economic recovery on both sides of the Atlantic.

The benchmark index of UK blue-chip shares has been in continuing decline, on Thursday dropping 191 points, or 3.43%, and a further 146 points, or 2.7% today to close at 5,247.

Compared to its opening level at the start of the week, the FTSE has dropped a total of 568 points as at close of play today, equating to a loss just shy of 10% for the week and the worst weekly performance since just after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008.

Global meltdown

Losses were also seen across the channel in Europe as the negative outlook for the sovereign debt crisis started to take its toll. This situation is likely to go on and on until there is decisive action by European governments but to date this has not looked likely and so the survival of the euro remains uncertain.

The story was no different across the Atlantic where concerns heightened that the US is facing serious financial turmoil. With a heavy barrage of negative economic news fears of a double-dip recession are increasing along with the reality that should this occur, it is likely to drag the rest of the world down with it.

Investor impact

Compared to the 52 week high for the FTSE of 6,105, today’s closing price is 14.1% lower and with worsening economic indicators, these are difficult times for investors.

Having direct exposure to market volatility via individual shares or investment funds can be extremely challenging during times like these. Being told not to panic is one thing, living through it is another.

This is where the defined risk and defined returns associated with structured investments can be appealing since it moves the investor’s focus away from the daily ups and downs. Before the investment is made the details of the exact term, the returns available and the particular criteria required to receive those returns are provided.

With a wide range of different structured investments available, there is plenty of scope to find a solution that meets investor’s needs. There is also the added benefit of there being no hidden additional costs since all charges are taken into account within the investment returns detailed.

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No news, feature article or comment should be seen as a personal recommendation to invest. If you are in any doubt as to the suitability of a particular investment please contact us for advice.

The value of investments and income from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount invested. Different types of investment carry different levels of risk and may not be suitable for all investors.

© Fair Investment Company Ltd

  Product Name ISA Option Maximum Potential Return Term More Info
FTSE 100 Enhanced Kick Out Plan


per annum

Up to
6 years
More Info >
Structured investment plan with the potential to mature after years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. If the plan matures early it will return 10% times the number of years the plan has been in force. Also available for Stocks & Shares ISA and ISA transfer.
10:10 Plan


per annum

10 years More Info >
Structured investment plan with the potential to mature after years 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10. If the plan matures early it will return 11% times the number of years the plan has been in force. Also available for Stocks & Shares ISA and ISA transfer.
FTSE 100 Step Down Kick-Out Plan


per annum

Up to
6 years
More Info >
Structured investment plan with the potential to mature after years 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. If the plan matures early it will return 7.25% times the number of years the plan has been in force. Also available for Stocks & Shares ISA and ISA transfer.
FTSE 100 Defensive Step Down Kick-Out Plan


per annum

Up to
6 years
More Info >
Structured investment plan with the potential to mature after years 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6. If the plan matures early it will return 6.15% times the number of years the plan has been in force. Also available for Stocks & Shares ISA and ISA transfer.
FTSE 100 Kick Out Deposit Plan


per annum

Up to
6 years
More Info >
Capital protected deposit plan with the potential to mature after years 3, 4, 5 and 6. If the plan matures early it will return 6% times the number of years the plan has been in force. Also available for Cash ISA and ISA transfer.
6 Year Defensive Deposit Plan


at end of term

6 years More Info >
6 year capital protected structured deposit plan which aims to return 25% if the FTSE 100 is higher than 75% of Initial Level. Also available for Cash ISA and ISA transfer.

The value of investments and any return from them can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount invested. Please ensure that you read the Important Risk Information below. 

  Product Name ISA Option Income Yield More Info
FTSE 100 Enhanced Income Plan


fixed income

More Info >
TAX FREE FIXED INCOME: 5 year investment plan paying a fixed monthly income of 0.35% (equivalent to 4.20% annually). Available as a Stocks & Shares ISA, non-ISA investment and ISA transfer.
FTSE 100 Defensive Income Plan


per annum

More Info >
A maximum 8 year investment plan paying a potential annual income of 7.20%. Also available for Stocks & Shares ISA and ISA transfer.
FTSE Monthly Contingent Income Plan


per annum

More Info >
Maximum 10 year structured investment plan paying a potential monthly income of 0.50% (equivalent to 6.00% annually) and the opportunity to mature quarterly from year 2 onwards. Also available as a Stocks & Shares ISA investment and ISA transfer.

Important Information: Structured investment plans are not capital protected and are not covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) for default alone. Income and growth returns are not guaranteed. There is a risk of losing some or all of your initial investment due to the performance of the underlying Index or commodity. There is also a risk that the company backing the plan known as the Counterparty may be unable to repay your initial investment and any returns stated.

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