Investment News Stock Market Turmoil Brings Shares Opportunities

Written by Editorial Team
25 January 2008 / by None

The current stock market volatility could provide investors with significant savings on share buying, Alliance Trust has said.

The share dealing specialist has announced that its customers can now buy shares online for a discounted rate of £10 commission until the end of January.

As the current turbulence pushes down some companies prices, the offer will make it possible for investors to purchase shares which will be considered a bargain, the company said.

Claudia Philips, managing director of investment dealing at Alliance Trust, comments: “While major falls across global markets clearly spell bad news overall, they can throw up selective share-buying opportunities for smart investors.”

Alliance Trust recently conducted research that revealed 38 per cent of online investors are inclined to trade if they consider current global events will affect share prices.

In related news, another study by Alliance Trust showed that household budgets are coming under increasing pressure as many consumers are ignoring the current financial situation.

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