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Structural damage cover, Water damage cover, Flooding, fire & storm
Contents Insurance
Up to £150k contents cover
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*Based on data provided by Consumer Intelligence Ltd, (April ’24). 51% of home insurance customers could save £207.84 on a combined policy Home Insurance

Looking for a great home insurance deal? Try the home insurance service. While they don’t offer their own insurance, has a simple to use comparison service which will compare prices from up to 64 home insurance providers to find you their best deal.See below for advice about home insurance.

What is Home Insurance?

Home Insurance is a non-compulsory form of property insurance which is designed to protect against damage to your property or to the belongings within your home.

Various policies exist which range from a basic cover of the structure of the property to also covering your content and liability coverage against accidents. There are many providers of home insurance, so make sure you look around for the one most suited to your needs.

What Can be Insured?

Home insurance can be very basic or cover a lot more depending on your provider and what polices you take out.

The two main types are of home insurance: buildings cover and contents cover. You can normally purchase these separately or as a joint policy, depending on your personal requirements.

Building Cover

This covers the actual structure of the building, such as the walls, windows, floor and roof. It will also include permanent features such as the kitchen and bathroom fixtures and fittings.

Policies do vary, but this kind of cover will typically insure your property against flooding, burst pipes, theft, fires and weather damage. Extra cover can normally be added if you need and many people like to also take out accidental damage cover for additional peace of mind.

Contents Cover

Most families have contents in their property valuing over £20,000, and many have a great deal more. Many people worry about replacing these items due to flooding, theft, leakage, or natural disasters. Contents insurance removes this worry. It will normally cover everything from jewellery to carpets, curtains, and electronic devices.

Always read your policy carefully. Every insurer has a limit on what they are willing to pay out, so make sure your policy is adequate to cover everything you need it to.

What to look for when choosing home insurance

When you are choosing home insurance, there are many things to consider. We have looked at some of the key questions you should ask yourself when picking a policy to ensure you have the appropriate cover for your home.

Is your property specialist?

If you own a listed building or if your property has an unusual feature, such as a thatched or flat roof, you may need specialist cover.

Do you need buildings and content cover?

It’s generally advised that you take out both but it does depend on your individual circumstances.

Does the policy provide enough cover for you?

All policies have limits, and it’s wise to make sure that your home is covered for the rebuild value rather than the market value. Make sure to cost your contents comprehensively to ensure that the policy will be enough to cover everything. Most people vastly underestimate how much their home contents are worth.

What is New for Old, and do I need it?

New for Old cover for your possessions is worth considering. It is offered as standard in many content policies now, but make sure to check this. New for Old simply means that you will receive a similar but new product to the old item, rather than the value of the old one.

What excess are you able to pay?

Many home insurance policies come with excess charges, both voluntary and compulsory, so make sure your chosen provider’s excess policy works for you.

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